Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "matthew tree"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 41 results
Nineteen cameras control the destiny of the inhabitants of the Bilbao neighborhood called San Francisco, the setting for the action of the novel. They are streets that were occupied in other times by miners and dockworkers, that attended to the emergence of republican ideology, and which were a space for freedom and diversion for generations. The closing of many of the shops, the emergence of heroine, and the massive arrival of immigrants upset... - Read more

"When he left his home, the time traveler was unaware of his condition; it was still a few hours away before he realize that impossible certainty." Imagine if you could jump back in time and go at to some point in which you have made some sort of decision in your life. Would you try to win back a lost love? Would you use your power to become rich? Would you try to improve the world?   Victor Piñol, a lonely guy marked by an... - Read more

  "Shooting at someone means taking away what they have lived and what they have left to live, but shooting at a girl means that anyone can be shot." Summer 2019 on the south-side of Madrid. The neighborhood streets are accustomed to mangled bodies, to the violence of prostitution and drugs, and even to the fights that cause breathlessness. But this time it's different. Shot at point-blank, the dreams and hopes of Carla, a... - Read more

The situation is as follows: the streets are besieged by a mob of what appear to be... living dead? The city has been surrounded and no one can enter or leave it. In the news and on the radio, they talk about a virus, but I know it was not a virus. It was the Jade Bell. It’s been its ringing. Reports are starting to come in from nearby cities where the exact same thing is happening. If anyone can stop it, it should be me. I am the chosen... - Read more

The situation is as follows: the streets are besieged by a mob of what appear to be... living dead? The city has been surrounded and no one can enter or leave it. In the news and on the radio, they talk about a virus, but I know it was not a virus. It was the Jade Bell. It’s been its ringing. Reports are starting to come in from nearby cities where the exact same thing is happening. If anyone can stop it, it should be me. I am the chosen... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 41 results
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